Bitget Wallet joins forces with Bitrefill, making it easier to spend crypto on gift cards for daily essentials. This boosts crypto's real-world utility by letting users convert digital assets into tangible purchases.
Bitrefill integrates USDC stablecoin on the Solana network, enhancing crypto e-commerce options.
10 years ago, Sergej Kotliar set out to help people more easily spend their bitcoin on everyday items, a task that still comes with many challenges and lessons.
Bitrefill has launched a lighter that burns $100 bills, sparking a debate on inflation.
Bitrefill launches a limited-edition lighter that burns $100 bills, sparking a debate on hyperinflation. Only 20 lighters are available, each priced at 0.1 BTC.
Bitrefill published LN stats.
SwapSpace has launched «Spend Crypto», enabling everyday purchases with cryptocurrency via a Bitrefill widget integration, simplifying the use of crypto for daily transactions.