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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x6cd5...e98940 0x1049...751ce6
- 0.000000155427914589 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0x5ec5...7bb308
+ 0.000000155427914589 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0x0000...000000
- 0.000000009264450784 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0xa2a0...410bd8
+ 0.000000009264450784 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0x5ec5...7bb308
- 0.000000155427914589 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0x0000...000000
+ 0.000000155427914589 USDC/WETH cSLP
0x6cd5...e98940 0x7160...1ab61b
- 9.834465 USDC
0x6cd5...e98940 0x1049...751ce6
+ 9.834465 USDC
0x1f30...aaf19e 0xc8a4...68a41b
- 0.00034755 WETH
0x1f30...aaf19e 0x2935...90f67c
+ 0.00034755 WETH
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