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Market data

Livecoinwatch is a 100% independent global crypto data aggregator giving retail investors access to data on over 20000+ coins on 550+ exchanges.

Users can track live cryptocurrency prices and their portfolio, with historical charts, and the latest coin markets. All of the data is available through the free API, and users can even get support through the troll box available on the homepage.

Livecoinwatch has the goal to help crypto investors understand the data and assess risks in the crypto market, to make the best educated investing decisions

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Recommended for

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Ripple, Polkadot, Dogecoin, Solana, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, Monero, EOS, Kusama, Bitcoin SV, eCash, Zcash, Dash, Mixin, Groestlcoin


Web, iOS, Android

Country of residence

United States

Exchanges intergrated with

550+ Exchanges

API access


Portfolio tracker


Price discovery method

Volume Weighted Average

Other services

API, Native advertising

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