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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xe64c...76fd83 0x7bea...f31a67
- 3.270741565623753552 WXDAI
0xe64c...76fd83 0xf5ab...0bb538
+ 3.270741565623753552 WXDAI
0xe64c...76fd83 0xf5ab...0bb538
- 0.001174036852918621 WETH
0xe64c...76fd83 0x1865...8683c2
+ 0.001174036852918621 WETH
0xe64c...76fd83 0x1865...8683c2
- 4.518265270091546842 WXDAI
0xe64c...76fd83 0xf5ab...0bb538
+ 4.518265270091546842 WXDAI
0xe64c...76fd83 0x0000...000000
- 0.007335275496483779 staBAL3
0xe64c...76fd83 0xce88...109f9f
+ 0.007335275496483779 staBAL3
0xe64c...76fd83 0x0000...000000
- 0.000223051157274301 staBAL3
0xe64c...76fd83 0xce88...109f9f
+ 0.000223051157274301 staBAL3
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