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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xb372...c45ea0 0x4a3f...a17f43
- 0.001797583122612941 WETH
0xb372...c45ea0 0x1022...549979
+ 0.001797583122612941 WETH
0xb372...c45ea0 0x1022...549979
- 5.76548803844427409 WXDAI
0xb372...c45ea0 0x4a3f...a17f43
+ 5.76548803844427409 WXDAI
0xb372...c45ea0 0x4a3f...a17f43
- 0.000824464789497531 WXDAI
0xb372...c45ea0 0x187e...6837af
+ 0.000824464789497531 WXDAI
0xb372...c45ea0 0x1022...549979
- 0.001797583122612941 WETH
0xb372...c45ea0 0xa808...689b9c
+ 0.001797583122612941 WETH
0x2102...9cf700 0x32ce...dc7576
- 0.01063657 WETH
0x2102...9cf700 0x7d7c...86b167
+ 0.01063657 WETH
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