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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x77b4...90f7d9 0x0000...000000
- 0.000110474302814764 staBAL3
0x77b4...90f7d9 0xce88...109f9f
+ 0.000110474302814764 staBAL3
0x77b4...90f7d9 0x0000...000000
- 0.005462613624663717 staBAL3
0x77b4...90f7d9 0xce88...109f9f
+ 0.005462613624663717 staBAL3
0x77b4...90f7d9 0x2374...e5ee8a
- 1 GNO
0x77b4...90f7d9 0xba12...6bf2c8
+ 1 GNO
0x53e0...9eaa95 0x0000...000000
- 559.72374773856694408 LZ-agEUR
0x53e0...9eaa95 0xfa5e...3528e7
+ 559.72374773856694408 LZ-agEUR
0x53e0...9eaa95 0xfa5e...3528e7
- 559.72374773856694408 LZ-agEUR
0x53e0...9eaa95 0x4b1e...d35984
+ 559.72374773856694408 LZ-agEUR
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