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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xf334...5d09e8 0x8dcb...228451
- 0.000000000000168 xDAI
0xf334...5d09e8 the-void
+ 0.000000000000168 xDAI
0xf334...5d09e8 0x8dcb...228451
- 0.000041999999832 xDAI
0xf334...5d09e8 0xecaf...cc3fad
+ 0.000041999999832 xDAI
0xf334...5d09e8 0x8dcb...228451
- 0.020000757296 xDAI
0xf334...5d09e8 0xee8b...8c1b36
+ 0.020000757296 xDAI
0xa04f...312e77 0xe936...88d950
- 0.00000000000096124 xDAI
0xa04f...312e77 the-void
+ 0.00000000000096124 xDAI
0xa04f...312e77 0xe936...88d950
- 0.000216279 xDAI
0xa04f...312e77 0xecaf...cc3fad
+ 0.000216279 xDAI
Transaction Address Amount
0xa04f...312e77 0x5b19...a18c1c
- 0.048828124 xDAI
0xa04f...312e77 0x1593...45dd53
+ 0.048828124 xDAI
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0.96 USD
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