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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x9301...b1f8d8 0xf21d...3b5155
- 0.000000000002074288 xDAI
0x9301...b1f8d8 the-void
+ 0.000000000002074288 xDAI
0x9301...b1f8d8 0xf21d...3b5155
- 0 xDAI
0x9301...b1f8d8 0x5870...e47766
+ 0 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 0xce7e...86f445
- 0.000000000004864576 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 the-void
+ 0.000000000004864576 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 0xce7e...86f445
- 0.106716635995135424 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 0xf21d...3b5155
+ 0.106716635995135424 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 0xce7e...86f445
- 0 xDAI
0xb119...0b4643 0x5d95...d83ebd
+ 0 xDAI
There are no events in this module
Transaction Address Amount
0xb119...0b4643 0xce7e...86f445
- 9.32905 USDC
0xb119...0b4643 0x8c29...cb3824
+ 9.32905 USDC
0x45f2...4fc9a6 0x5d95...d83ebd
- 713.458074 USDC
0x45f2...4fc9a6 0x1757...7345bc
+ 713.458074 USDC
0x45f2...4fc9a6 0x1757...7345bc
- 3.486541 USDC
0x45f2...4fc9a6 0x8c29...cb3824
+ 3.486541 USDC
0x951d...77e870 0x18fe...d5faf3
- 2.69452427419903254 MATIC
0x951d...77e870 0x9008...60ab41
+ 2.69452427419903254 MATIC
0x951d...77e870 0x9008...60ab41
- 2.694165314296687152 MATIC
0x951d...77e870 0x01e0...f54a97
+ 2.694165314296687152 MATIC
Transaction Address Amount
0x0068...51ab7e 0x0000...000000
- 1 The Proof of Attendance Protocol
0x0068...51ab7e 0x6741...f8d89d
+ 1 The Proof of Attendance Protocol
There are no events in this module
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