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Height Hash Time
20 0x0000...9f5c87
21 0x0000...972ce9
22 0x0000...e068e0
23 0x0000...1e73eb
24 0x0000...224771
25 0x0000...d86994
26 0x0000...8d0e33
27 0x0000...7c7ee2
28 0x0000...92c919
29 0x0000...2df07b

Blockchair News

  1. From $66K to $127K: Bitcoin’s bullish flag hints at big gains Ambcrypto 1 hour ago
    From $66K to $127K: Bitcoin’s bullish flag hints at big gains

    The latest analysis revealed that BTC was testing a bullish flag pattern, which might soon push BTC to $127k.

  2. When can investors buy Ethereum ETFs? Here are four clues DLNews 9 hours ago
    When can investors buy Ethereum ETFs? Here are four clues

    Experts and market signals offer signs of when Ethereum ETFs will be sold to consumers.

  3. PEPE Price Surge: Will the Memecoin Trigger a New Bull Rally? Coinotag 15 hours ago
    PEPE Price Surge: Will the Memecoin Trigger a New Bull Rally?

    PEPE has experienced a price surge of over 2% in the last 24 hours, indicating potential for further price appreciation and sparking investor interest.

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