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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xf6c8...954516 0x3fc9...2b7fad
- 0.086312965443225473 G
0xf6c8...954516 0x0000...2e7e1c
+ 0.086312965443225473 G
0xf6c8...954516 0x3fc9...2b7fad
- 34.438873211846964109 G
0xf6c8...954516 0x2a88...6e1705
+ 34.438873211846964109 G
0xd9a5...88a825 0xe15c...9b4967
- 771.51 USDC · 771.56 USD
0xd9a5...88a825 0x1ab4...8f8f23
+ 771.51 USDC · 771.56 USD
0x8cac...9f96fa 0x3bba...78526f
- 49.618326840781199166 CRV
0x8cac...9f96fa 0x8f99...9e6aea
+ 49.618326840781199166 CRV
0x75b5...2e3365 0xf805...76c8e0
- 1,385.206314779819499348 LOOKS
0x75b5...2e3365 0xd34b...e0fe25
+ 1,385.206314779819499348 LOOKS
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