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Ethereum (ETH) koers stijgt 4% ondanks verzwakkend bullish momentum Beincrypto hace 2 semanas

Ethereum (ETH) koers stijgt 4% ondanks verzwakkend bullish momentum 📈

Ethereum's (ETH) price has surged by 4% in the past 24 hours despite being 17% lower over the last 30 days. ETH seeks to maintain above the $3,000 level, a key psychological and technical zone.

Indicators like the RSI and DMI show weakening bullish momentum. RSI fell from overbought levels, and the DMI reveals increased bearish pressure as sellers gain ground.

While short-term moving averages attempt a bullish crossover, long-term indicators suggest potential consolidation. ETH may face resistance at $3,545, but a breakthrough could see prices reaching $4,000, a milestone level.

Fuente: nl.beincrypto.com ↗

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