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Transaction Address Amount
e12a79...bd33f1 D8q1M4...RdcoSt
+ 237.10007 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DJtiok...gqKXdq
+ 20.570615 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DMcjcs...VcBUgM
+ 17.71743 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DMpCHL...sVQNNT
+ 9.450935 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DGXSRs...hGGL1n
+ 19.85763 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 D8Piwg...js1Zzo
+ 19.755175 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DKDy8V...VTAP2m
+ 1.65136 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DLtuE7...zDimgJ
+ 17.31393 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DFA5vA...n4bjzx
+ 14.838075 DOGE
e12a79...bd33f1 DKU6Gb...xD6Ker
+ 16.2163 DOGE
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