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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xcafc...e6e279 0x0257...217e7b
- 58.26459 USDT
0xcafc...e6e279 0xb4ec...37d8c9
+ 58.26459 USDT
0xcafc...e6e279 0xb4ec...37d8c9
- 14.775464 FIST
0xcafc...e6e279 0x0257...217e7b
+ 14.775464 FIST
0xffc8...5f90d9 0x05b7...670ddc
- 11.59149999999999 USDT
0xffc8...5f90d9 0x8fb9...0a6515
+ 11.59149999999999 USDT
0xffc8...5f90d9 0x8fb9...0a6515
- 11.593574878499989998 BUSD
0xffc8...5f90d9 0x05b7...670ddc
+ 11.593574878499989998 BUSD
0x692a...21411b 0x4d39...cadf00
- 0.063013764459337159 WBNB · 22.69 USD
0x692a...21411b 0x845d...2cbc39
+ 0.063013764459337159 WBNB · 22.69 USD
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