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Mined on

There are no events in this module
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3147296 83141
+ 0.023969472 ETH
3147297 31059
+ 0.023410769 ETH
3147298 252307
+ 0.024390488 ETH
3147299 141523
+ 0.02412131 ETH
3147300 262768
+ 0.023956568 ETH
3147301 185488
+ 0.024175556 ETH
3147302 40233
+ 0.024104931 ETH
3147303 87907
+ 0.024037084 ETH
3147304 68467
+ 0.024244778 ETH
3147305 195130
+ 0.023907822 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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