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Mined on

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There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3143712 145872
+ 0.024088058 ETH
3143713 270896
+ 0.023705983 ETH
3143714 90771
+ 0.024110203 ETH
3143715 250213
+ 0.024023536 ETH
3143716 9429
+ 0.024236292 ETH
3143717 50439
+ 0.024004926 ETH
3143718 34736
+ 0.024172054 ETH
3143719 262441
+ 0.024119529 ETH
3143720 28806
+ 0.024078884 ETH
3143721 167441
+ 0.024039259 ETH
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