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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
3073066 289373
+ 16 ETH
3073066 289374
+ 32 ETH
3073066 289375
+ 32 ETH
3073066 289376
+ 16 ETH
3073066 289377
+ 32 ETH
3073066 289378
+ 16 ETH
3073066 289379
+ 16 ETH
3073066 289380
+ 32 ETH
3073066 289381
+ 32 ETH
3073066 289382
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3073056 189541
+ 0.023866252 ETH
3073057 129469
+ 0.023193029 ETH
3073058 22715
+ 0.023820529 ETH
3073059 234803
+ 0.024075468 ETH
3073060 125309
+ 0.024028511 ETH
3073061 64017
+ 0.023940901 ETH
3073062 94473
+ 0.023969896 ETH
3073063 164748
+ 0.023956223 ETH
3073064 188279
+ 0.023802696 ETH
3073065 15453
+ 0.02393915 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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