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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
2698321 268262
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268263
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268395
+ 32 ETH
2698321 268265
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268266
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268268
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268275
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268279
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268272
+ 16 ETH
2698321 268273
+ 16 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
2698304 145808
+ 0.023060649 ETH
2698305 13711
+ 0.00573291 ETH
2698306 258474
+ 0.021870271 ETH
2698307 45150
+ 0.023768111 ETH
2698308 106431
+ 0.022955615 ETH
2698309 43332
+ 0 ETH
2698310 199119
+ 0.026605726 ETH
2698311 260281
+ 0.0229249 ETH
2698312 146169
+ 0.023036965 ETH
2698313 221190
+ 0.033366641 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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