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Mined on

There are no events in this module
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
2643168 103335
+ 0.022894427 ETH
2643169 158609
+ 0.022066646 ETH
2643170 153635
+ 0.022827877 ETH
2643171 39312
+ 0.022777031 ETH
2643172 80568
+ 0.0229761 ETH
2643173 191330
+ 0.022895157 ETH
2643174 119726
+ 0.02294465 ETH
2643175 77376
+ 0.022973007 ETH
2643176 114751
+ 0.022941532 ETH
2643177 120798
+ 0.022847351 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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