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Mined on

There are no events in this module
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
2578688 129005
+ 0.022705294 ETH
2578689 183949
+ 0 ETH
2578690 195485
+ 0.030677618 ETH
2578691 184425
+ 0.021168637 ETH
2578692 183315
+ 0.02243246 ETH
2578693 871
+ 0.022720482 ETH
2578694 243424
+ 0.022780694 ETH
2578695 30120
+ 0.024415194 ETH
2578696 252233
+ 0.022825706 ETH
2578697 98157
+ 0.022809612 ETH
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