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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
250912 69260
+ 32 ETH
250912 69261
+ 32 ETH
250912 69262
+ 32 ETH
250912 69263
+ 32 ETH
250912 69264
+ 32 ETH
250912 69265
+ 32 ETH
250912 69266
+ 32 ETH
250912 69267
+ 32 ETH
250912 69268
+ 32 ETH
250912 69269
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
250912 34381
+ 0.002530605 ETH
250913 22305
+ 0.002245775 ETH
250914 10603
+ 0.00280135 ETH
250915 34408
+ 0.002519601 ETH
250916 1962
+ 0.00253843 ETH
250917 23068
+ 0.002536865 ETH
250918 42934
+ 0.00256034 ETH
250919 7251
+ 0.0025353 ETH
250920 2777
+ 0.002543076 ETH
250921 28015
+ 0.002533686 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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