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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
2038849 235708
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235709
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235710
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235711
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235712
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235713
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235714
+ 32 ETH
2038849 235715
+ 32 ETH
2038848 235692
+ 32 ETH
2038848 235693
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
2038848 218631
+ 0.005373376 ETH
2038849 138582
+ 0.005143789 ETH
2038850 75168
+ 0.005380782 ETH
2038851 225632
+ 0.005417956 ETH
2038852 28588
+ 0.005326567 ETH
2038853 92082
+ 0.00536446 ETH
2038854 96292
+ 0.005321366 ETH
2038855 152150
+ 0.005377091 ETH
2038856 7939
+ 0.005324338 ETH
2038857 30863
+ 0.005342913 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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