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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1885251 217737
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217738
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217739
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217740
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217741
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217742
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217743
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217744
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217745
+ 32 ETH
1885251 217746
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1885248 107617
+ 0.005063826 ETH
1885249 93406
+ 0 ETH
1885250 72526
+ 0 ETH
1885251 37403
+ 0.006237975 ETH
1885252 119557
+ 0.004948375 ETH
1885253 51726
+ 0.00489335 ETH
1885254 130537
+ 0.005224275 ETH
1885255 194185
+ 0.00517235 ETH
1885256 99022
+ 0.010605875 ETH
1885257 87371
+ 0.005177 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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