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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1827875 207399
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207400
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207401
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207402
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207403
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207404
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207405
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207406
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207407
+ 32 ETH
1827875 207408
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1827872 194099
+ 0.005062441 ETH
1827873 181427
+ 0.00480263 ETH
1827874 74166
+ 0.005269681 ETH
1827875 12411
+ 0.004963555 ETH
1827876 60785
+ 0.005129975 ETH
1827877 65480
+ 0.00509308 ETH
1827878 50727
+ 0.0049455 ETH
1827879 91009
+ 0.00503342 ETH
1827880 189296
+ 0.005190396 ETH
1827881 151911
+ 0.00508523 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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