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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1819690 206396
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206397
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206398
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206399
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206400
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206401
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206402
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206403
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206404
+ 32 ETH
1819690 206405
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1819680 42689
+ 0.005045457 ETH
1819681 92129
+ 0.003181841 ETH
1819682 98246
+ 0.006550964 ETH
1819683 94071
+ 0.005180034 ETH
1819684 138387
+ 0.005223319 ETH
1819685 120997
+ 0.005088742 ETH
1819686 70146
+ 0.005051753 ETH
1819687 189951
+ 0.005065108 ETH
1819688 105340
+ 0.005061197 ETH
1819689 29506
+ 0.005043096 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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