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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1518661 186200
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186201
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186202
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186203
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186204
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186205
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186206
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186207
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186208
+ 32 ETH
1518661 186209
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1518656 104761
+ 0.004723868 ETH
1518657 83859
+ 0.004520464 ETH
1518658 40318
+ 0.00482768 ETH
1518659 105389
+ 0.004740721 ETH
1518660 81680
+ 0.00470952 ETH
1518661 87164
+ 0.004740748 ETH
1518662 21822
+ 0 ETH
1518663 139303
+ 0.006898012 ETH
1518664 154797
+ 0.007180752 ETH
1518665 115533
+ 0.00476016 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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