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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1399831 171880
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171881
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171882
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171883
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171884
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171885
+ 32 ETH
1399831 171886
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1399808 140033
+ 0.004530983 ETH
1399809 24658
+ 0.004523054 ETH
1399810 148628
+ 0.004522173 ETH
1399811 18443
+ 0.004503672 ETH
1399812 43825
+ 0.004509811 ETH
1399813 28362
+ 0.004506315 ETH
1399814 62891
+ 0.004580319 ETH
1399815 79608
+ 0.004529221 ETH
1399816 9776
+ 0.004526578 ETH
1399817 57848
+ 0.004529221 ETH
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