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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
128065 48294
+ 32 ETH
128065 48295
+ 32 ETH
128065 48296
+ 32 ETH
128065 48297
+ 32 ETH
128065 48298
+ 32 ETH
128065 48299
+ 32 ETH
128065 48300
+ 32 ETH
128065 48301
+ 32 ETH
128065 48302
+ 32 ETH
128065 48303
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
128064 6701
+ 0.002129409 ETH
128065 4125
+ 0.002019492 ETH
128066 10669
+ 0.002107053 ETH
128067 6518
+ 0.002134998 ETH
128068 19316
+ 0.002157354 ETH
128069 31468
+ 0.002129409 ETH
128070 32251
+ 0.002148039 ETH
128071 30530
+ 0.00212382 ETH
128072 34511
+ 0.00212382 ETH
128073 1480
+ 0.002134998 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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