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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
1131590 134376
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134377
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134378
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134379
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134380
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134381
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134382
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134383
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134384
+ 32 ETH
1131590 134385
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
1131584 91009
+ 0.003982545 ETH
1131585 33690
+ 0 ETH
1131586 128262
+ 0.007676855 ETH
1131587 46719
+ 0.004270718 ETH
1131588 41776
+ 0.004002285 ETH
1131589 114431
+ 0.003981496 ETH
1131590 109873
+ 0.003995376 ETH
1131591 55645
+ 0.004001298 ETH
1131592 102676
+ 0.003974649 ETH
1131593 88004
+ 0.003994389 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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