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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
482370 92025
+ 32 ETH
482370 92026
+ 32 ETH
482370 92027
+ 32 ETH
482370 92028
+ 32 ETH
482370 92029
+ 32 ETH
482370 92030
+ 32 ETH
482370 92031
+ 32 ETH
482370 92032
+ 32 ETH
482370 92033
+ 32 ETH
482370 92034
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
482368 3053
+ 0 ETH
482369 30625
+ 0.006114208 ETH
482370 77702
+ 0.002885032 ETH
482371 81138
+ 0.003476569 ETH
482372 18657
+ 0.003036969 ETH
482373 11202
+ 0.003137488 ETH
482374 10308
+ 0.003134898 ETH
482375 612
+ 0.003452705 ETH
482376 37785
+ 0.003171361 ETH
482377 73697
+ 0.003170105 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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