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Mined on

There are no events in this module
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3226336 229472
+ 0.024272782 ETH
3226337 293928
+ 0.02322343 ETH
3226338 161331
+ 0.024059428 ETH
3226339 197397
+ 0.024258715 ETH
3226340 251672
+ 0.023927475 ETH
3226341 257906
+ 0.02416905 ETH
3226342 259669
+ 0.024376425 ETH
3226343 265409
+ 0.024280386 ETH
3226344 250926
+ 0.024325468 ETH
3226345 56006
+ 0.02424586 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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