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Mined on

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There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3223296 165044
+ 0.02440167 ETH
3223297 98570
+ 0.023423619 ETH
3223298 87923
+ 0.024215687 ETH
3223299 249504
+ 0.024210885 ETH
3223300 111701
+ 0.024153232 ETH
3223301 117139
+ 0.024334776 ETH
3223302 263289
+ 0.024349773 ETH
3223303 229999
+ 0.024338148 ETH
3223304 256751
+ 0.024302759 ETH
3223305 260524
+ 0.02421563 ETH
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