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Mined on

There are no events in this module
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
3211136 43345
+ 0.024199806 ETH
3211137 245927
+ 0 ETH
3211138 112627
+ 0.023669958 ETH
3211139 136076
+ 0.02396242 ETH
3211140 258824
+ 0.023902404 ETH
3211141 189778
+ 0.024086157 ETH
3211142 13695
+ 0.024000727 ETH
3211143 284940
+ 0.023841845 ETH
3211144 290008
+ 0.023923447 ETH
3211145 151570
+ 0.024077614 ETH
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