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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x6b98...223f69 0xb2cc...59dc59
- 4.04277812094909607 WETH
0x6b98...223f69 0x51c7...502a7f
+ 4.04277812094909607 WETH
0x6b98...223f69 0x51c7...502a7f
- 15,156.553131 USDC
0x6b98...223f69 0xb2cc...59dc59
+ 15,156.553131 USDC
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xf33a...d2e0c8
- 4.206441224292048252 AERO
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xd191...fe6e11
+ 4.206441224292048252 AERO
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xb2cc...59dc59
- 169.84962701829381942 WETH
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xd191...fe6e11
+ 169.84962701829381942 WETH
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xb2cc...59dc59
- 1,398,193.547407 USDC
0xf4bd...5ad50f 0xd191...fe6e11
+ 1,398,193.547407 USDC
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