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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x47bb...cb08df 0x4e96...b3e778
- 13,283.055052 USDC
0x47bb...cb08df 0x51c7...502a7f
+ 13,283.055052 USDC
0x47bb...cb08df 0x51c7...502a7f
- 0.13908033 cbBTC
0x47bb...cb08df 0x4e96...b3e778
+ 0.13908033 cbBTC
0x0b85...dde58e 0xe83f...c5870c
- 9,996.98000454438879232 ALU
0x0b85...dde58e 0xe37e...57bd09
+ 9,996.98000454438879232 ALU
0x0b85...dde58e 0x5189...f70b8b
- 0.369273616226351322 WETH
0x0b85...dde58e 0x1111...842a65
+ 0.369273616226351322 WETH
0x0b85...dde58e 0xe37e...57bd09
- 9,996.98000454438879232 ALU
0x0b85...dde58e 0x5189...f70b8b
+ 9,996.98000454438879232 ALU
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