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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xf0c3...bdc4fc 0xd0b5...98f224
- 1.938099602185977731 WETH
0xf0c3...bdc4fc 0x51c7...502a7f
+ 1.938099602185977731 WETH
0xf0c3...bdc4fc 0x51c7...502a7f
- 6,406.314063 USDC
0xf0c3...bdc4fc 0xd0b5...98f224
+ 6,406.314063 USDC
0x91b0...7f8cf4 0xb2cc...59dc59
- 3.545093929432225743 WETH
0x91b0...7f8cf4 0x51c7...502a7f
+ 3.545093929432225743 WETH
0x91b0...7f8cf4 0x51c7...502a7f
- 11,718.867188 USDC
0x91b0...7f8cf4 0xb2cc...59dc59
+ 11,718.867188 USDC
0x8dc4...b7742c 0xa446...bcf289
- 0.416120006382763668 WETH
0x8dc4...b7742c 0xc758...b95b83
+ 0.416120006382763668 WETH
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