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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0xe660...d6ae64 0x0250...5b3cfe
- 0.128345211288224604 WETH
0xe660...d6ae64 0x74cb...d4f020
+ 0.128345211288224604 WETH
0x75ac...991667 0x2c0c...a39c10
- 0.30177386878675895 AERO
0x75ac...991667 0xc5f3...8c70f6
+ 0.30177386878675895 AERO
0xa07e...72c046 0x9785...7b3c1b
- 6.185703064801541346 WETH
0xa07e...72c046 0x8279...485b72
+ 6.185703064801541346 WETH
0xa07e...72c046 0x9785...7b3c1b
- 23,180.217475 USDT
0xa07e...72c046 0x8279...485b72
+ 23,180.217475 USDT
0xa07e...72c046 0x8279...485b72
- 6.185703064801541346 WETH
0xa07e...72c046 0xc5f3...8c70f6
+ 6.185703064801541346 WETH
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