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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x93ed...47c61e 0x6833...b364e0
- 734.323394 USDC
0x93ed...47c61e 0xf9a7...c3c056
+ 734.323394 USDC
0x93ed...47c61e 0xcf88...673bce
- 0.301912444606597346 WETH
0x93ed...47c61e 0x6833...b364e0
+ 0.301912444606597346 WETH
0x93ed...47c61e 0x6833...b364e0
- 733.844683722612509419 USDz
0x93ed...47c61e 0xcf88...673bce
+ 733.844683722612509419 USDz
0x6481...3c93d7 0x4752...72ad24
- 0.000000000001 WETH
0x6481...3c93d7 0x3de2...67b2b6
+ 0.000000000001 WETH
0x6481...3c93d7 0x3de2...67b2b6
- 0.000037718087362531 BOOBY
0x6481...3c93d7 0x92c7...5def85
+ 0.000037718087362531 BOOBY
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