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Mined on

Transaction Address Amount
0x9389...864c9a 0x5a08...a37267
- 4,030,558.110201215757071359 BirdWifHat
0x9389...864c9a 0x955d...bdaab6
+ 4,030,558.110201215757071359 BirdWifHat
0xb2eb...529e6f 0xbeef...d95317
- 0.000015620877547411 WETH
0xb2eb...529e6f 0xc0d0...a968fc
+ 0.000015620877547411 WETH
0xb2eb...529e6f 0xc0d0...a968fc
- 3.062601178035505152 AIINU
0xb2eb...529e6f 0xbeef...d95317
+ 3.062601178035505152 AIINU
0x2843...f30c15 0x3fc9...2b7fad
- 0.0015 WETH
0x2843...f30c15 0x4b84...3bba43
+ 0.0015 WETH
0x2843...f30c15 0x4b84...3bba43
- 478,386.574782308370006427 Rockcat
0x2843...f30c15 0x25a4...8f6ac0
+ 478,386.574782308370006427 Rockcat
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