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Mined on

Slot Validator Amount
2008106 233352
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233353
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233354
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233355
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233356
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233357
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233358
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233359
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233360
+ 32 ETH
2008106 233361
+ 32 ETH
There are no events in this module
Slot Validator Amount
2008096 207828
+ 0.005306665 ETH
2008097 76921
+ 0.005218283 ETH
2008098 134423
+ 0.005181582 ETH
2008099 134327
+ 0.005388306 ETH
2008100 44090
+ 0.005374027 ETH
2008101 70161
+ 0.0053179 ETH
2008102 189283
+ 0.005321645 ETH
2008103 150383
+ 0.005308912 ETH
2008104 159341
+ 0.005289438 ETH
2008105 12460
+ 0.005296928 ETH
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There are no events in this module
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